What would happen on Earth if it were hit by a super solar flare?

What would happen on Earth if it were hit by a super solar flare?

Eight minutes after the solar explosion, the Earth receives an instant blast of electromagnetic radiation. X-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation affect the ionosphere, disrupting radio communications worldwide.

In what would be an unprecedented event, Earth is facing the devastating effects of a solar superflare with the force of thousands of atomic bombs. This phenomenon, which unfolds in minutes, threatens to completely disrupt global infrastructure and put communications and daily life at risk.

All this, taking into account the radiation to which people who have not been able to find shelter would be exposed. They do not give a date for a full recovery to normality, but it would be months.

In the coming days, power grids would struggle to recover as they face irreparable damage. Satellite navigation systems remain down, while radio and mobile communication systems are limited.


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